Palästinensische UniversitätslehrerInnen rufen zum akademischen Boykott auf
Categories: Akademischer Boykott
Wegen der anhaltender militärischer Angriffe der israelischen Armee im Gazastreifen und der Tötung eines Universitätsprofessors mit seiner Familie bei der israelischen Bombardierung seines Wohnhauses ruft die Vereinigung palästinensischer UniversitätslehrerInnen im Gazastreifen die internationalen Universitäten zum Boykott israelischer Unis auf.
Vollständige Presseerklärung auf Englisch:
Press Release--Gaza University Teachers’ Association calls for academic and cultural boycott of Israel Gaza University Teachers' Association | July 12, 2006
The latest round of Israeli war crimes in Gaza has resulted in the brutal killings of the entire Abu Salmyieh family in Sheikh Redwan, Gaza City as they slept in their own house. This brings today's toll alone to 23 Palestinian martyrs. Since Thursday, 6 July 2006, the Israeli Occupation Forces have killed more than 70 Palestinians, most of whom were civilians and children. The University Teachers’ Association condemns in the strongest possible terms these heinous crimes and calls upon all civil society organizations and freedom loving people to act immediately in every possible way to put pressure on their governments to end diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel and institute sanctions against it for its 39 years of military occupation of Palestine.
As the UN, the EU and the international community by and large have failed the Palestinian people for decades, we address civil society organizations to take whatever steps, however small, to show their support for Palestine and rejection of Israeli genocidal war crimes. The experience of South Africa shows that the collective action of ordinary people who did not buy South African products, did not watch South African sports and did not have any relationship with South African academic and cultural institutions, was able to pressurize governments to isolate apartheid South Africa.
We, therefore, call upon NGOs and civil society organizations to adopt the Call for Boycott issued by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel ( We academics of Gaza universities, noting the call by the Congress of South African Trade Union and other South African civil society organizations for their government to boycott Apartheid Israel, welcome this courageous decision.
We call on all other freedom loving people to join hands with the South African people in their show of solidarity with the brutally oppressed Palestinian people. We therefore demand:
-that Israel immediately withdraws all Israeli Occupation Forces from Gaza and ends the occupation of Palestinian land; -that Israel abides by international humanitarian and human rights law, and refrains from imposing collective punishment on Palestinian civilians (as per the UN Human Rights Council declaration issued on 6 July 2006);
-that Israel releases all detained Palestinian ministers and legislators and releases all Palestinian political prisoners, including hundreds of women and children;
-that the UN implements the July 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice against Israel’s Apartheid Wall;
-that the UN ensures that Israel fulfils its obligations in terms of international law;
-international protection of Palestinina civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.